Go Abroad Fair

Interested in Studying Abroad? Come learn more at the Go Abroad Fair on Thursday, February 27, 2025 in the Miller Hall Collaborative Space.

$Pay "In-State" or Less to Study Abroad!

Stairs next to a door with flower pots
Temple overlooking mount fuji
Machu Picchu

Give yourself a scholarship by studying abroad!!

There are many affordable options to study abroad, even some that may be less than the cost of in-state attendance at WWU! This list will feature programs similar in price, or less than what an In-State student might budget for tuition, fees, housing, and meals at WWU. Please remember, that you will also need to budget for flights, spending money, application fees, books, visa costs, etc, which can be calculated into your total cost of attendance if you’re on financial aid. Costs are subject to change, so double-check the information on the program website.

Don’t see the right program here - don’t worry! There are many other options that might be right for you!!

Are you ready to take the first step?

  • Start your study abroad journey here!! Learn about the different pathways to study abroad, consider your goals, financial needs, and different program options that may be best for you. 
  • Once you have decided on a program, see the major/minor advisor first to discuss plan of study at Western, complete your WWU Application and the Departmental Academic Advising Form, and apply to your provider/ host university. 
  • Need Help? Or maybe you don't see the right program for you? The EdAbroad office is happy to help!!

Advising Info, Scholarships & Additional Program Options


Hannah Nevitt

Education Abroad Advisor

Office: Remote/Miller Hall 208

Research, Fellowships & Grants

CEA Affiliate Student Discount/Scholarship

All WWU students receive an automatic program discount off CEA program fees.

Award amount: Academic year $2000 + $500 flight voucher, Semester $1000 + $500 flight voucher, Summer $500 + $250 flight voucher

CIEE Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship

  • Award covers the full cost of travel to and from participation in a four-week, 3-credit study abroad program sponsored by CIEE.
  • Fellows are expected to present and share their study abroad experience with their campus community upon their return to campus.

Award amount: Full Ride Study Abroad Fellowship

Fulbright Fellowship/Student Program

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers research, study, and teaching opportunities in over 140 countries to recent graduates and graduate students.

Award amount: Subject to the availability of federally-appropriated funds

Boren Fellowships

Boren Fellowships promote long term linguistic and cultural immersion. Therefore, preference will be given to applicants proposing overseas programs of six months or longer. However, applicants proposing overseas programs of three-six months, especially those in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields are encouraged to apply.

CIEE - Gilman Go Global & GAIN Grants

Just by applying for the Benjamin Gilman Scholarship, students participating on CIEE Study Abroad programs will automatically receive Go Global grants! GAIN Grants available for students using a Pell Grant, and helps cover airfare.

Award amount: Semester $2500, Summer $1000

U.S. Dept. of State Rangel Graduate Fellowship

An orientation to the Program and the Foreign Service at Howard University in Washington, D.C.

• Two summer internships, one on Capitol Hill and one overseas at a U.S. embassy in summer                          

Award amount: Up to $37,500 annually toward tuition, fees and living expenses for a two-year master’s degree in fields related to the Foreign Service such as Business Administration, Economics, Public Policy, and International Relations at a U.S.-based institution.

U.S. Dept. of State Consular Fellows Program

Award amount: $ Paid Positions Abroad

U.S. Dept. of State Critical Language Scholarship

Award amount: Summer $Full Tuition, Airfare, Accommodations

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

For Pell Grant eligible students

Award amount: Grants averaging up to $3,000 for Summer, $5,000 for Semester/Quarter, $8,000 for Critical Language Study

Advising Info

After you decide on a program and the courses you will take abroad, you must complete the Departmental Academic Advising Esign Form with your academic advisor. The form must be completed before your program commences.   

Review Your Degree Works  

Web4U > Student > Student Records > Degree Works. Follow steps to see what you have completed, and what you still need for your degree plan. At least 50% of the credit hours required for the major/minor must be earned at Western.   

An official transcript from your program must be sent to Education Abroad for processing upon completion of your program.  

More Info  




  • ISA Service Learning - Meknes, Morocco, Summer Quarter

    $3,590 4-week summer. Placement site, housing, meals & airport pickup.

    Additional $275 for 3 quarter credits

    • Placements 
      • Community Support Center- Participants may assist in teaching English, designing specialty workshops and classes, and recreational activities for all ages.
      • Women's Development and Vocational Training Foundations - Many of the educational courses teach artisan skills (embroidery, calligraphy, literacy) to increase employment opportunities and/or assist the women in starting their own businesses. Participant opportunities may include organizing logistics, preparing lesson plans, and teaching English to the women. Additional help may be needed with fundraising, marketing, or creating a social media presence or website development to help the women sell their products.
      • Cultural Center - participants will have opportunities to help with teaching various classes, including English, computer science, dance classes, sports, music, video editing, theatre, photoshop, drawing and painting, coaching, cinema.

South Africa

  • ISEP Direct - University of Johannesburg, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter, Academic Year

    $9,095 semester/$5,000 per quarter for spring semester (spans both winter/spring quarters) - Includes Tuition, Housing, Meals, and Airport Pickup. (Students budget around $200 per month for meals).

    • English coursework - Recommended for Business, Education, International Relations and Anthropology
  • USAC - Stellenbosch University, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $6,150 per quarter for Spring Semester (spans winter and spring quarters)



  • USAC - Shanghai, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    $9,157 Semester/ $4580 per quarter Spring Semester (Spans both winter and spring quarters)

  • USAC - Chengdu, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $9,309 for semester

    • $4,650 per quarter for Spring Semester (spans both winter/spring quarters)


South Korea


  • ISEP Direct - Thammasat University Thailand, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter, Academic Year, Calendar Year

    $9,200 Semester/$16,995 Academic Year/$4,600 per quarter for spring semester (spans both winter/spring quarters)

    Includes Tuition, Housing, and Excursions

    Courses in English in many areas

    • Recommended for Engineering, International Studies, & Journalism, Business, Urban Design
  • USAC - Khon Kaen, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $5,200 Semester/ $9,000 Academic Year/ $2,600 per quarter for Spring semester (spans Winter/spring quarters)

    • English courses in Global Business, International Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Political Science, Media & Film & Journalism
  • USAC - Chiang Mai, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $8,900 semester/17,000 Academic year/$4,500 per quarter for spring semester (spans both winter/spring quarters)

    • English courses in Health, Gender Studies, Religious Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Sustainability, Economics

Central America

Costa Rica

  • CEA - Veritas University, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter
    • $5,250 per quarter for Spring Semester (after $1000 discount and $500 flight voucher)- Spans winter and spring quarters) for up to 24 quarter credits
    • $6,500 per quarter for Early Start Spring Semester (after $1000 discount and $500 flight voucher) - Spans winter and spring quarter for up to 30 quarter credits
    • $4,295 (after $500 automatic discount for WWU students) + $250 flight voucher -Summer for 6 quarter credits

    All levels of Spanish

  • , Summer Quarter


    • Intermediate Spanish 202
  • AIFS San Jose Study + Internship Semester , Spring Semester, Fall Quarter

    $6,995 per quarter for Spring Semester - spans Winter and Spring Quarters.

    Earn up to 27+ credits! Participated in an Internship + Spanish language + electives.

    B1 level of Spanish required.

  • ISA - Intensive Month Combo Costa Rica, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    $7,995 for 12 quarter credits of Spanish language study for Winter Quarter. Includes Homestay and Meals. 

  • ISA Service Learning - San Jose, Costa Rica, Summer Quarter

    $3,350 4-week summer. Placement site, housing, meals, airport pickup. Additional $275 for 3 quarter credits

    • Placements 
      • Museums - ideal for individuals interested in archaeology, anthropology, museology, natural history, education, and administration.
      • Center for Dance, Theatre & Circus -promoting appreciation of environment, art, music & tech.
      • Music & Cultural Center - assist the center's music professors with workshops and classes.
      • After School Program - engage children by facilitation recreational activities, art, and music projects
      • Public School - K-12, teacher's aide, tutoring, TESOL
      • Education Center for People with Disabilities - visual and hearing impairments, speech & occupational therapy, music, art, physical education, dietary guidance, recreational activities
      • Bilingual School - PK-12 school's mission on civic commitment, personal growth and environmental conservation. Teacher's Aide, TESOL, Physical Education
      • Youth Development Center - youth education and recreation programming - TESOL, Technology, Human Resources, activities
      • Cancer Support Center - Observe supportive therapies developed by the center's psychologists or assist with educational workshops
      • Children's Hospital - best for students majoring in Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Public Health, and Health Science or for students interested in learning about foreign health care systems
      • Senior Citizen's Home - health & recreation- plan and lead recreational activities, dance, aerobics etc.
      • Health Clinics - best for students majoring in Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Public Health, and Health Science or for students interested in learning about foreign health care systems
      • HIV Non-Profit Organization - Participants in this role may help give workshops and educational talks to the public, conduct research, provide emotional support for patients living with HIV, AIDS, and/or STIs, and help with daily tasks around the center.
      • Environmental, Cultural & Recreational Park - gardening, planting, weeding, reforestation initiatives, and nursery restoration and creation of artificial lakes, environmental education workshops, playground creation, and work with schools in the local community
      • Butterfly Garden - planting shrubs and weeding in the greenhouses or garden trails, feeding larvae and butterflies in the laboratory, or assisting with content creation and social media marketing.
  • USAC - Heredia, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $21,960 Academic Year/ $6000 per quarter for spring semester (Spans winter and spring quarters)



Czech Republic


  • ISEP Direct - University of Tartu Estonia, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter, Academic Year

    $5,250 per quarter/ $19,000 Academic Year

    • Fall/Winter Semester - Spans Fall and Winter quarters
    • Winter/Spring Semester - Spans Winter and Spring quarters

    Courses in English. Recommended for Genetics, Linguistics, Language Study, Health, International Relations





  • National University of Ireland - Galway - Direct Enrollment, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Academic Year
    • $5,865 per quarter for spring semester (Spans winter and spring quarters)
    • $23,250 Academic Year

    Summer programs

    • $4,100 The Education System in Ireland (9 quarter credits)
    • $4,614 Irish Studies Summer (9 quarter credits)
    • $4,614 Business & International Management (9 quarter credits)
    • $5,041 Ecology & Living Landscapes (9 quarter credits)
  • Direct Enrollment - University of Limerick, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter, Academic Year

    $6,000 per quarter for Spring Semester (Spans winter and spring quarters)

    $21,000 Academic Year

  • Direct Enrollment - University of Maynooth, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter, Academic Year

    $6,000 per quarter for Spring Semester (Spans winter and spring quarters)

    $25,500 Academic Year


  • USAC - Reggio Emilia, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $18,745 Academic Year/ $5,200 per quarter for spring semester (spans both winter/spring quarters) 

    • English Coursework in: Psychology, Education, Gender Studies, Film, Health, Nutrition
  • ISEP Direct - Summer Business & Marketing in Milan, Summer Quarter

    $3,995 for 2-week summer program. (4 quarter credits)

    • Storytelling, Literature, Community Psychology, Geopolitics, Brand Communication, Brand Strategy, Communication Strategy, Business & Economics, Entrepreneurship, Politics, Leadership & Management

    $5,995 for 4-week summer program (9 quarter credits)

  • ISEP Direct - Summer Public Health in Rome, Summer Quarter

    $3,995 for the two-week session/4 quarter credits

  • SAI - Florence University of the Arts, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter
    • $8400 Spring Quarter (summer session A - May 12 - June 21 for 9 sem/13 quarter credits)
  • USAC - Viterbo, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $17,816 Academic Year/ $5,000 per quarter for spring semester (spans both winter/spring quarters)

    $4,980 Summer

    • English courses in Studio Art, Art History, History, Gender Studies, Literature & Travel Writing
  • USAC - Torino, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $25,200 Academic Year/ $6,810 per quarter for spring semester (Spans winter and spring quarters)


  • Western Exchange - University of the Basque Country - Pay In-State Tuition & Fees!, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter
  • ISEP - Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio - English Teaching Assistant Internship - Pay In-State Tuition & Fees!, Academic Year

    Teaching English/Language Internship program. 18 quarter credits. Pay in-State Tuition and Fees!

    • Earn an additional 175€ per week depending on the hours you want to teach. Students participating in this program can therefore expect a total monthly stipend of 900€ to 1000€. 
    • In addition to the combined ISEP housing and meals stipend, students in this program can earn a stipend for teaching English as a language and cultural assistant.
  • ISA - Intensive Month Granada, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    $7,900+ for 2-month (Intensive month) combination.

    This can work for Fall (Sept + Oct) (Oct + Nov) Winter (Jan + Feb) (Feb + Mar), or Spring Quarters (April + May) for up to 15 quarter credits. 

  • CIEE - Summer Language & Culture - Alcalá de Henares, Summer Quarter

    $4,750 Summer

    • Courses in Spanish - for students with a 3.0 GPA, and 2 years of college level Spanish completed
    • Grants for Pell Grant Eligible students!
  • CEA - Granada, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $4,795 (after $500 automatic WWU discount + $250 flight voucher) for 4-week summer, up to 9 quarter credits

    $5,898+ (after $1000 automatic WWU discount) per quarter for spring semester + $500 flight voucher) - for up to 24 quarter credits. Program spans winter and spring quarters

    $22,595 (after $2000 automatic discount for WWU students+ $1000 flight voucher)- Academic Year for up to 48 quarter credits

  • CEA - Summer Identity & Global Citizenship, Summer Quarter

    $3,895 Summer (after $500 discount and $250 flight voucher)

  • ISEP Direct - Summer Spanish Language & Culture in Almeria, Summer Quarter

    $4,995 - Earn 6 sem/9 quarter credits including housing in a homestay, meals, airport pick-up & excursions!

    • Spanish language and culture offered at all levels
  • ISA - Universidad de Salamanca, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    $3,450 Summer 5 - earn up to 4 quarter credits

    $4,150 August month - earn up to 9 quarter credits

    $6,550 - Summer 3 runs June - August for 15 quarter credits of Spanish language study. Includes Homestay and meals

  • ISEP Direct - Summer in Barcelona, Summer Quarter
    • $5,495 - Earn 9+ quarter credits to study Spanish & courses in English
    • 3.0 GPA and Junior status
    • Courses in Communication, AI, Biology, Political Science, Urban Studies and Gender Studies



  • Euro Scholars Research Study Abroad, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter

    $6,500 per quarter for spring semester (Spans winter and spring quarters)

    Participate in ongoing Research Projects in Belgium, Switzerland, and Netherlands. 

    Biology, Psychology, Education, Sociology, STEM, Math, Behavioral Science and more!

Non-Affiliated Programs * Petition Required for Potential Approval*

Czech Republic


  • Galway Archaeology Field School, Summer Quarter

    $4,713 for 9 quarter credits

    • Session 3: Intro to Archeological Excavation & Recording Methods in Archaeological Survey and Excavation

North America


  • CIEE - Open Campus Yucatan, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    CIEE Semester in Yucatan - courses in English

    $7,975 per quarter for spring semester (Spans both winter and spring quarters)




New Zealand

  • ISEP Direct - NMIT New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter, Academic Year

    $7,910 per quarter for spring semester (Spans winter and spring quarters)

    Tuition, Housing, Excursions, and Internships are possible.

    Great location for Business, Supply Chain, Engineering, Environment and Marine Studies, Recreation, Kinesiology and Sports Science.

South America


  • CEA Buenos Aires Spring Quarter, Spring Quarter

    $6,895 (after $500 automatic WWU discount) + $250 flight voucher for up to 8 sem/12 quarter credits

    English courses: Physics 2 w/ lab, Business, Anthropology, Gender Studies, Sociology, and Sports Studies

  • CEA - Intensive Spanish Language - Buenos Aires, Summer Quarter

    $4,395 for 9 quarter credits summer *after WWU automatic discount ($500 off summer fees & $250 flight voucher)

    • Includes Tuition, Housing, Meals
  • AIFS Buenos Aires - TAship in bilingual education Spring Quarter, Spring Quarter

    $6,990 Spring Quarter

    • The program combines a TAship in a bilingual elementary school in Buenos Aires with a course in teaching Spanish as Second Language for a total of 8 semester/12 quarter credits. Intermediate level of Spanish or above required.
  • ISA - Argentina Intensive Spanish - Intensive Month, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Winter Quarter

    $4,250 - (Winter Program) February Intensive month is worth 7-8 sem/10-12 quarter credits! (Tuition, Housing, Meals)


  • CEA - Valparaiso Chile, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $4,495 for summer 2

    Earn up to 9 quarter credits

  • ISEP Direct - Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter, Academic Year

    $5,500 per quarter for spring semester (Spans winter and spring quarters)

    $19,995 Academic year including homestay and airport pickup!

  • USAC - Santiago, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $17,760 Academic Year/$4,840 per quarter for spring semester (spans both winter/spring quarters) 

    • Earn up to 2 years of Spanish in one semester! English coursework Political Science & Journalism

    $4,780 Summer for up to 10 quarter credits!

  • ISA Service Learning - Valparaiso, Chile, Summer Quarter

    $3,450 4-week summer. Placement site, housing, meals, airport pickup. Additional $275 for 3 quarter credits

    • Placements 
      • Center for Infantile Nutrition - health, web design, marketing, fundraising, construction
      • Technical High School - education - TESOL
      • Community Center- community development, family & youth development - sustainability, education, dance, art, cooking, TESOL, yoga, art therapy, human resources, marketing
      • English Language Institute - TESOL, education, teaching
      • Educational Center for Children with Disabilities - primary education, art workshops, speech therapy, occupational therapy
      • Health Clinics - health


  • ISA - Cusco, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $6,000 per quarter for spring semester (Spans winter and spring quarters)

  • ISA Service Learning - Cusco, Peru, Summer Quarter

    $3,450 4-week summer. Placement site, housing, meals & airport pickup.

    Additional $275 for 3 quarter credits

    • Placements 
      • Music Institute - offers music classes to kids, youth, and adults with the goal of bringing music into the lives of the local community.
      • Childhood Education Programs - Childhood Education Program placements are in various public and private schools and after-school centers. Participants placed in these organizations may have opportunities to assist teachers in Cusco with their classroom duties, help lead English classes, support students through mentoring, develop and facilitate activities and educational games, and assist with homework. Additionally, participants may have the chance to observe teaching techniques and assist teachers with lesson planning and preparation.
      • Veterinary Clinics - Participants in the clinic may assist in various areas under the supervision of veterinary staff.
      • Agricultural Animal Care Center - Participants will assist in caring for the animals and learning the traditions of Peruvian heritage. They may also assist with tours of the facility and weaving workshops. Depending on the season, opportunities may be available with planting and harvesting various vegetables that help to feed surrounding communities.
      • Center for Children with Disabilities - Participants will serve as support for children with disabilities and may assist with feeding and skills exercises, as well as facilitating entertaining sensory activities through music and art. Opportunities to observe speech and physical therapists on-site may also be available.
      • Youth Development Organizations - Participants can facilitate games, help with homework, and organize recreational afternoon activities.
      • Senior Citizen's Center - Participants in this organization may assist with mealtimes and daily tasks around the center, socialize with the residents, and help with other assignments as needed. 
      • Dental Clinics - observing and assisting the clinic’s dentists in Cusco as they perform their daily responsibilities.
      • Health Clinic - Health clinic placements are best for students majoring in Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Public Health, and Health Science or for students interested in learning about foreign health care systems. 
      • Policy & Human Rights Organization - Participants in this organization may work in areas such as Peruvian legal rights, mental health, and training individuals on the topics of human rights. Participants may also be asked to help create educational materials, translate documents, and assist with projects and workshops.


  • USAC - Montevideo, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    $9,290 Semester/$17,180 Academic Year/$4,645 per quarter for spring semester (spans both winter/spring quarters) - Tuition, Homestay/Meals.

    • Earn up to a full year's worth of Spanish in one semester! All levels of Spanish. 
    • English coursework in Business, Marketing, Management, Gender Studies, Environment, & Health


Service Learning for credit

  • ISA - Service Learning for Credit, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    $3,350 + depending on location:

    • Students can participate in 4-week, 6-week, or 8-week or placements
    • Students can earn up to 4 quarter credits for a 4-week program, and up to 7 quarter credits for an 8-week program
    • Program locations in Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Morocco, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa and Spain
    • *NOTE Summer program dates must start AFTER spring quarter ends in order for participation.

West Indies


Dominican Republic