
The first step to studying abroad is to review the Western Abroad 101 session information.

Studying abroad or studying away on exchange occurs when you and student from another university trade places - not always at the same time, but often within the same year or next year. An exchange agreement allows each university to charge its outgoing student a fee that is close to home university tuition. Since our international exchange partner universities tend to be on the semester system, we charge you a fee that is close to the semester rate of in-state Western tuition for each semester you’re abroad. 

This makes exchange one of the most affordable types of studying abroad or studying away.

But, be very thoughtful about deciding if exchange is the right fit for you. For our international host universities, exchange offers total immersion, so you’ll attend your host university like a local student. While there will be an international student advisor or two to help you during the workday, host universities offer fewer services to exchange students compared to a study abroad provider program. Exchanges are a good fit for independent and mature students who are confident managing problem solving on their own. 

Students are expected to meet all requirements listed by the host institution. This may include advanced proficiency in the language of instruction, GPA, specific course requirements, and class standing.

Exchanges are not available during summer quarter.

Exchange Advisor

For advising, please contact Dan Lindeman.

WWU Exchanges

WWU has bilateral partnership agreements with specific host institutions. Students pay a fee based on in-state tuition to Western and all other costs abroad.

Review the list of WWU Exchanges 

Search for Exchanges 

comparison between WWU exchange and ISEP

International Student Exchange Program

WWU EdAbroad has partnered with ISEP, a non-profit organization, since 1983 to break down financial and academic barriers and make study abroad accessible and affordable for everyone.

  • ISEP offers an impressive and affordable array of programs among a global community of nearly 350 universities and colleges in more than 50 countries. 
  • Students can participate in semester-long or full-year programs for any field of study, as well as service learning and internship programs.
  • With ISEP Exchange programs, you can go abroad anywhere in the ISEP network while paying WWU in-state tuition, housing, and meals through your WWU student account. This then enables a student from another ISEP member university to take your place. You can even apply scholarships, grants or financial aid you normally receive.
  • ISEP also offers scholarships for their programs, with many focused on underserved student populations as well as opportunities for students studying a language or in specific locations around the world.

Visit the ISEP website for more information.