Business & Sustainability

MAPs are being updated

These pages are currently under revision, and may not have a complete list of programs. Please contact Hannah Nevitt to explore all program options.

The following programs offer significant coursework and immersion opportunities for Business & Sustainability and AACSB Accredited Programs. This is meant to highlight a variety of programs by region; please note there are many more available beyond what is listed here and this is not a guaranteed list for credit transfer. Students will still need to meet with their departments to discuss fulfilling degree requirements.

For information about the Business & Sustainability BA degree program, please refer to the BA requirements listed on the University Catalog.

More information about the Energy Studies Concentration.

Explore Programs


Craig Dunn

Professor, Management

Office: Parks Hall 317

Advising Info

After you decide on a program and the courses you will take abroad, you must complete the Departmental Academic Advising Esign Form with your academic advisor. The form must be completed before your program commences.   

Review Your Degree Works  

Web4U > Student > Student Records > Degree Works. Follow steps to see what you have completed, and what you still need for your degree plan. At least 50% of the credit hours required for the major/minor must be earned at Western.   

An official transcript from your program must be sent to Education Abroad for processing upon completion of your program.  

More Info  

Program Options

Study Abroad Provider

  • Independent organizations that facilitate or administer study abroad programs for students
  • Quarter, semester, academic year, calendar year, and summer
  • Pay a program fee that includes tuition, housing, etc. (varies)
  • More services provided
  • Often includes excursions, onsite pickup, varied housing options
  • Part time internships can be available for credit

Western Exchange

  • Bilateral agreements between WWU and universities abroad to exchange students
  • Chance of placement is high
  • Semester and year-long options
  • Pay WWU in-state tuition and mandatory fees
  • Room & board paid onsite
  • Take courses with international students at universities abroad
  • Eligibility requirements vary
  • More independent and less services

ISEP Exchange

  • ISEP stands for International Student Exchange Program
  • Students can choose from over 135 universities in 36 different countries
  • Students provide ISEP with a list of preferred sites. Chance of placement varies from site to site.
  • Semester & year-long options only
  • Pay WWU in-state tuition and mandatory fees
  • Room & board paid to WWU
  • Take courses with international students at universities abroad
  • More independent and less services provided

Research, Fellowships & Grants

WWU College of Business (CBE) Scholarships

  • Any CBE pre-major or major interested in studying abroad or an international educational experience may complete the application for the Dr. Steve Globerman International Academic Scholarship.

    Additionally, International Business pre-majors and majors may apply for the International Business Study Abroad Scholarship. The International Study Abroad Scholarship has been relocated to Education Abroad. Please visit this page for information about scholarships and scholarship deadlines for study abroad.

Princeton in Asia Fellowship - Teaching and Service Field Placements in Asia Post Grad

While more than half of the Fellows are employed as English teachers at universities, colleges, and high schools, there are also specialized positions with organizations that contribute to the following global issues: education, environmental sustainability, public health, media, economic development, and peace, justice, and access to information.

Award amount: Local stipend paid directly by the host organization. The stipend is intended to cover the cost of safe housing, clean food and drinking water, basic telecommunications, and local travel.

Payne Fellowships for Graduate Studies

Award amount: $48,000 annually for a two year MA program

UK Fulbright: Lancaster University Award in STEM

Covers a three-to-six month research project in any STEM field at the university.

This funding is intended as a contribution towards US-UK travel, institutional fees, accommodation, and general maintenance costs while in the UK.

In the UK, master's degrees are typically one-year programmes (full-time).

Award amount: £2,625 per month

UK Fulbright: UCL School of Management - Entrepreneurship Award

Covers one year Msc in Entrepreneurship at the institution's School of Management. The living stipend is intended as a contribution towards general maintenance costs towards the first year in the UK. In the UK, master's degrees are typically one-year programmes (full-time) and PhDs are three-year programmes (full-time).

Award amount: Full tuition waiver, £16,500 living stipend



Central America

Costa Rica

  • CEA - Veritas University, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    English courses in

    • Entrepreneurship, Ecology, Economics, Ecotourism, Lab Sciences, Sustainability, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Marketing, International Marketing, Innovation & more
  • USAC - Heredia, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    English courses in:

    • Climate, Global Change & Society, Field Studies, Internship, Sciences



  • CIEE - Open Campus Berlin, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    Fall, Winter & Spring options:

    • Courses in Business, Sustainability and Internships

    Summer Combinations:

    • Internship in Berlin + Fall 1 - June 12 + Aug 5 + Aug 14 - Sep 23 (Residence permit needed for Berlin) Would need to combo with London or non Schengen country.





  • CIEE - Summer Business & Culture, Summer Quarter
  • CEA - Alicante Science & Engineering, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter

    English courses in:

    • Sciences, Ecology, Ecology of Populations, Urban Planning
  • CIEE - Open Campus Madrid, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    English courses in:

    • Environmental Ethics, Global Change & Environment, Independent Research, Internships, International Management, International Finance, Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, Business Ethics, Marketing, Economics of Wine, Conservation Biology, International Agriculture & more
  • CEA - Global Business Consulting in Barcelona, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

South America


