Go Abroad Fair

Interested in Studying Abroad? Come learn more at the Go Abroad Fair on Thursday, February 27, 2025 in the Miller Hall Collaborative Space.

Reverse Culture Shock

Upon your re-entry to the United States, you may experience reverse culture shock. Reverse culture shock is a normal reaction of returning to your home country. The transition from saying goodbye to your study abroad host country and life to reintegrating yourself back into the US and renewing your relationships at home can be difficult for many students. Reverse culture shock may be intensified by the feelings of disorientation in the US and the sense that you have changed but your friends and family have stayed the same. Give yourself time to adjust back into the US and be patient with yourself and others. Taking advantage of the opportunities for sharing your experience abroad, such as the Travel Writing Program, can help alleviate the difficulty and frustration of reintegration.

Sudden returnees, such as students who returned early due to COVID-19 can review this presentation and resources.

More information about reverse culture shock can be found on the web including the What’s Up With Culture website