College of Environment

MAPs are being updated

These pages are currently under revision, and may not have a complete list of programs. Please contact Hannah Nevitt to explore all program options.

The following programs offer significant coursework and field immersion opportunities for Environmental Studies and Environmental Science. This is meant to highlight a variety of programs by region. Please note there are many other options available beyond what is listed. This is not a guaranteed list for credit transfer. Students must obtain department advisor approval for fulfilling degree requirements. Students must apply to both the provider through the links below, and to WWU Education Abroad

Environmental Science Degrees

University Catalogue Information (Program Requirements): Environmental Science, BS, Environmental Studies, BA, Environmental Studies-Geography Emphasis, BA

Explore Programs



Kathryn Patrick

Advisor for College of the Environment

Office: ES 539

Mary Moores

Advisor for College of the Environment

Office: ES 539

Advising Info

After you decide on a program and the courses you will take abroad, you must complete the Departmental Academic Advising Esign Form with your academic advisor. The form must be completed before your program commences.   

Review Your Degree Works  

Web4U > Student > Student Records > Degree Works. Follow steps to see what you have completed, and what you still need for your degree plan. At least 50% of the credit hours required for the major/minor must be earned at Western.   

An official transcript from your program must be sent to Education Abroad for processing upon completion of your program.  

More Info  

Program Options

Study Abroad Provider

  • Independent organizations that facilitate or administer study abroad programs for students
  • Quarter, semester, academic year, calendar year, and summer
  • Pay a program fee that includes tuition, housing, etc. (varies)
  • More services provided
  • Often includes excursions, onsite pickup, varied housing options
  • Part time internships can be available for credit

Faculty-led Global Learning Program

  • WWU faculty organize and lead academic programs abroad
  • Quarter, summer, and academic breaks
  • Earn WWU credits and learn from WWU faculty abroad while studying with other WWU students
  • Pay tuition and fees at WWU in addition to a program fee for onsite costs

Western Exchange

  • Bilateral agreements between WWU and universities abroad to exchange students
  • Chance of placement is high
  • Semester and year-long options
  • Pay WWU in-state tuition and mandatory fees
  • Room & board paid onsite
  • Take courses with international students at universities abroad
  • Eligibility requirements vary
  • More independent and less services

ISEP Exchange

  • ISEP stands for International Student Exchange Program
  • Students can choose from over 135 universities in 36 different countries
  • Students provide ISEP with a list of preferred sites. Chance of placement varies from site to site.
  • Semester & year-long options only
  • Pay WWU in-state tuition and mandatory fees
  • Room & board paid to WWU
  • Take courses with international students at universities abroad
  • More independent and less services provided

Research, Fellowships & Grants

CEA Affiliate Student Discount/Scholarship

All WWU students receive an automatic program discount off CEA program fees.

Award amount: Academic year $2000 + $500 flight voucher, Semester $1000 + $500 flight voucher, Summer $500 + $250 flight voucher

Princeton in Asia Fellowship - Teaching and Service Field Placements in Asia Post Grad

While more than half of the Fellows are employed as English teachers at universities, colleges, and high schools, there are also specialized positions with organizations that contribute to the following global issues: education, environmental sustainability, public health, media, economic development, and peace, justice, and access to information.

Award amount: Local stipend paid directly by the host organization. The stipend is intended to cover the cost of safe housing, clean food and drinking water, basic telecommunications, and local travel.

Payne Fellowships for Graduate Studies

Award amount: $48,000 annually for a two year MA program

UK Fulbright: Lancaster University Award in STEM

Covers a three-to-six month research project in any STEM field at the university.

This funding is intended as a contribution towards US-UK travel, institutional fees, accommodation, and general maintenance costs while in the UK.

In the UK, master's degrees are typically one-year programmes (full-time).

Award amount: £2,625 per month

UK Fulbright: Bangor University Award

Offered to pursue a one year taught or research MA in Celtic Studies, Creative Writing, or Ocean Sciences.

The living stipend is intended as a contribution towards general maintenance costs towards the first year in the UK.

Award amount: Full tuition waiver, £14,000 living stipend

CIEE - Gilman Go Global & GAIN Grants

Just by applying for the Benjamin Gilman Scholarship, students participating on CIEE Study Abroad programs will automatically receive Go Global grants! GAIN Grants available for students using a Pell Grant, and helps cover airfare.

Award amount: Semester $2500, Summer $1000

Freeman-ASIA (Freeman Awards for Study in Asia) Grant

Award amount: up to $3,000 for Summer, $5,000 for Semester/Quarter, $7,000 for Academic Year

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

For Pell Grant eligible students

Award amount: Grants averaging up to $3,000 for Summer, $5,000 for Semester/Quarter, $8,000 for Critical Language Study

  • Environmental Wildlands Studies, Environmental Field Survey, Wildlands Environment and Culture

  • Courses in English:

    Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, Global Environmental Policy, Conservation Biology, Internship Seminar, Directed Independent Research





South Africa

  • ISA - Sustainable Development, Environmental Studies & Sport Science, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter

    Courses offered in English,

    • Biochemistry II, Biology I, Chemistry I, General Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Community Ecology, Animal Physiology, Plant Ecology, Environmental Science, Concepts of Physics, Animal Diversity, Exercise Science I, Exercise Physiology I
  • CIEE - Open Campus Cape Town, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    Courses in English:

    • Climate Change Science and Policy, Sustainability in the Anthropocene, Geographic Information Systems and Mapping our Changing World, Global Change and the Environment, Fisheries, Biology, and Sustainability, Agricultural Ethics and the Developing World, Global Environmental Policy, Conservation Biology
  • ISEP - University of Johannesburg - Pay In-State Tuition & Fees!, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter






  • Wildlands Studies - Nepal, Spring Quarter, Fall Quarter

    Environmental Wildlands Studies, Environmental Field Survey, Wildlands Environment and Culture


  • Wildlands Studies - Thailand, Winter Quarter

    Environmental Wildlands Studies, Environmental Field Survey, Wildlands Environment and Culture

British Columbia

Central America


  • Wildlands Studies - Belize, Summer Quarter

    Courses in English:

    Environmental Wildlands Studies, Environmental Field Study, Wildlands Environment and Culture

Costa Rica

  • USAC - Heredia, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    Courses in English:

    • Introduction to Tropical Ecology, Sustainable Development, Tropical Conservation Biology (Field Study available), Tropical Marine Biology, Introduction to Conservation Biology, Climate, Global Change and Society, Water in Tropical Landscapes(+optional field study)
  • ISA Service Learning - San Jose, Costa Rica, Summer Quarter

    $2,750 4-week summer. Placement site, housing, meals, airport pickup. Additional $275 for 3 quarter credits

    • Placements 
      • Center for Dance, Theatre & Circus -promoting appreciation of environment, art, music & tech.
      • Bilingual School - PK-12 school's mission on civic commitment, personal growth and environmental conservation. Teacher's Aide, TESOL, Physical Education
      • Environmental, Cultural & Recreational Park - gardening, planting, weeding, reforestation initiatives, and nursery restoration and creation of artificial lakes, environmental education workshops, playground creation, and work with schools in the local community
      • Butterfly Garden - planting shrubs and weeding in the greenhouses or garden trails, feeding larvae and butterflies in the laboratory, or assisting with content creation and social media marketing.
  • CIEE - Summer Sustainability & The Environment, Summer Quarter

    Can work for spring quarter or summer:

    Spring Quarter (Summer 1+2) = May 15 - Aug. 5th for 18 quarter credits.

    Summer 2 = June 26 - Aug 5th for 9-10 quarter credits.

    Courses in English:

    • Conservation Biology, Biology of Tropical Diseases, Sustainable Development for the Tropics, Nature, Photography, Social Media & Environmental Engagement, Environmental Engineering for the Tropics, Global Change & Environment, International Agriculture, Survival Spanish.
  • CIEE- Summer Tropical Ecology & Conservation, Summer Quarter

    Courses in English:

    • Tropical Biology, Independent Research in Biology/Ecology
  • CEA - Veritas University, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    Courses in English:

    • Tropical Marine Biology, Tropical Botany, Tropical Ecology, Freshwater Ecology, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, Sustainable Development and Environmental Awareness, Climate Change: Impact and Adaptions, Environmental Impact and Social Development, Marine Molecular Biology, Innovation for Sustainable Development

    (More potential options available) 

  • Wildlands Studies - Costa Rica, Spring Quarter





  • CIEE - Open Campus Copenhagen, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    Courses in English:

    Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, Global Environmental Policy, Conservation Biology, Global Change and the Environment, Internship Seminar, Directed Independent Research





  • ISA - Athens, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    Courses in English:

    Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Contemporary Environmental Issues, Environmental Ecology, Introduction to Biology, 



  • CEA - Ecology & Living Landscapes Summer - Ireland, Summer Quarter
    • Living Landscapes of the Burren and East County Galway
  • USAC - Cork, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    Introduction to Environmental Science, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Environmental Risk Assessment and Auditing, Habitats and Ecosystems, Conservation Biology, Physics for the Environmental Sciences I, Environmental Geography, Biogeography, Introduction to Remote Sensing, Environmental Remote Sensing, Economic and Rural Geography, Introduction to Geographical Informational Systems

    (More Classes Available) 

    Recommended: Environmental Studies and Environmental Studies with geography emphasis

  • CEA - Galway, Spring Semester, Academic Year

    Courses in English:

    Plant Resources and Ecosystems, Organic Chemistry, Aquatic Geochemistry, Ocean Dynamics, Physics of the Environment II, Biogeography



  • CIEE - Business & Sustainability - Amsterdam, Summer Quarter
  • USAC - Maastricht, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    Classes in English: 

    • Sustainable Development, Climate Change, The Study of Environmental Problems: Between Nature, Society, and Politics, Authority, Expertise and Environmental Change



  • USAC - University of Stirling, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter
    • Biogeography: An Ecological and Environmental Approach, Energy and Society, Environmental Policy and Management, Geographical Information Systems, Global Environmental Issues, Methods and Applications in Environmental Sciences


  • CEA - Alicante Science & Engineering, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter

    Courses in English: 

    Organic Chemistry, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Modelling Ecological Systems, Introduction to Human Geography, Ecology

  • ISA - Internship - Valencia, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter
  • ISEP - Universidad de Almeria - Pay In-State Tuition & Fees!, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter
  • CIEE - Open Campus Madrid, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    Courses in English:

    Sustainability and the Anthropocene, Conservation Biology, Biology of Tropical Diseases, Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, Global Change and the Environment, Directed Independent Research

  • CEA - Granada, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    Courses in English:

    Sustainability in the Mediterranean, Spain's Evolving Social and Demographic Landscapes



  • Euro Scholars Research Study Abroad, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter

    Research Study Abroad projects in Switzerland, Belgium, and Netherlands

    Belgium: Reconstructing Geo-ecological changes in floodplains, The Application of Membrane Processes for Wastewater Treatment

    Netherlands: Plant Ecology, Molecular Cell Biology, Research in Microbiology, Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Research Projects in Physics

Middle East


United Arab Emirates

North America


  • CIEE - Open Campus Yucatan, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    Courses in English:

    • Calculus I, General Physics I, Statistics




French Polynesia

New Zealand



South America


  • CIEE - Open Campus Buenos Aires, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    Classes in English:

    • Agricultural Ethics and the Developing World, Climate Change Science and Policy, Sustainability and the Anthropocene, Global Environmental Policy, GIS and Mapping our Changing World, Conservation Biology


  • Wildlands Studies - Chile, Winter Quarter

    Courses in English:

    • Environmental Wildlands Studies, Environmental Field Survey, Wildlands Environment and Culture


  • Wildlands Studies - Ecuador, Winter Quarter

    Courses in English:

    • Environmental Wildlands Studies, Environmental Field Survey, Wildlands Environment and Culture



  • USAC - Montevideo, Spring Semester, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter

    English courses in:

    • Viticulture, Gender & Environment, The Global Food Challenge, Agribusiness, Sustainability: Alternatives to Development, Internships
