Internships & Service Learning

MAPs are being updated

These pages are currently under revision, and may not have a complete list of programs. Please contact Hannah Nevitt to explore all program options.

The following highlights International Internships. This is meant to highlight a variety of programs by region. Please note there are many other options available beyond what is listed. This is not a guaranteed list for credit transfer. Students must obtain department advisor approval for fulfilling degree requirements. Students must apply to both the provider through the links below, and to WWU Education Abroad

The internship integrates academic credit at WWU with on-the-job experience, allowing students to gain valuable skills while working towards a degree. Students should start planning at least two quarters in advance for an international internship. Students can participate in an international internship that may range from a few weeks to six months of full-time work.

Please review the International Internship Guidelines, and for Health and Human Development (HHD) majors (including Kinesiology, PEHR, Public Health, Recreation), review the International Internships Guidelines - HHD.

Explore Programs


Krista Mantello, MBA

Program Manager

Office: Remote/Miller Hall 205C

Advising Info

Full-Time Internship

Students complete an internship abroad (for credit, not for pay) usually accompanied by an “Internship Course.” The course may include discussions on workplace differences and provide a check-in opportunity to professionalize your international work experience.

Internship + Study Combo

Students can participate in a part-time internship in addition to coursework, including intensive language on many study abroad programs!

Service Learning

Students can participate in a service learning placement for credit on many study abroad programs!

Internship Approval

Students need the approval of a faculty advisor for internship participation. The faculty advisor must determine how the internship will be evaluated and graded. After you decide on an internship, you must complete the Departmental Academic Advising Esign Form with your academic advisor. The form must be completed before your program commences.   

Review Your Degree Works  

Web4U > Student > Student Records > Degree Works. Follow steps to see what you have completed, and what you still need for your degree plan. At least 50% of the credit hours required for the major/minor must be earned at Western.   

An official transcript from your program, if applicable, must be sent to Education Abroad for processing upon completion of your program.  

More Info  


Program Options

Study Abroad Provider

  • Independent organizations that facilitate or administer study abroad programs for students
  • Quarter, semester, academic year, calendar year, and summer
  • Pay a program fee that includes tuition, housing, etc. (varies)
  • More services provided
  • Often includes excursions, onsite pickup, varied housing options
  • Part time internships can be available for credit

ISEP Exchange

  • ISEP stands for International Student Exchange Program
  • Students can choose from over 135 universities in 36 different countries
  • Students provide ISEP with a list of preferred sites. Chance of placement varies from site to site.
  • Semester & year-long options only
  • Pay WWU in-state tuition and mandatory fees
  • Room & board paid to WWU
  • Take courses with international students at universities abroad
  • More independent and less services provided
  • Open Campus programs can work for Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer

  • Internships available in:

    • Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, England, Ireland, Japan, Spain, Thailand


South Africa

  • CIEE - Summer Global Internship Cape Town, Summer Quarter

    Summer Options:

    • Students can combine this internship with courses for a full 12-week summer quarter worth up to 18 quarter credits
    • Internship in Cape town + Fall 1 - June 12 + Aug 5 + Aug 14 - Sep 23

    Spring Quarter combination:

    • Combine this internship with any CIEE Summer 1 location to work for Spring quarter -
    • Example:
      • Summer 1 Ghanaian Studies + Cape Town Internship.
  • CIEE - Open Campus Cape Town, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter

    Open Campus options can work for Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer





Central America

Costa Rica

  • AIFS San Jose Study + Internship Semester , Spring Semester, Fall Quarter

    6 quarter credit Internship + Spanish Language course + 1-2 additional electives for up to 27 quarter credits.

    • Internships in Biomolecular & Conservation Biology, Business, Innovation & Digital Fabrication, International Relations, Social Work
    • Must have 2.6 GPA, be 20 years old, and have at least 2 years of college level Spanish for most internship placements. For the Biology Internship students need 1 year of college level Spanish.
  • AIFS Full Time Internship, Spring Semester, Fall Quarter

    full-time custom internship.

    • Earning 13+ credits.
    • Multiple Career Fields including NGO's, Museums/Galleries, Marketing, Environmental Research, Civil Engineering & Environmental Engineering 






  • CIEE - Global Summer Internship Berlin, Summer Quarter

    Summer Options:

    • Students can combine this internship with courses for a full 12-week summer quarter worth up to 18 quarter credits
    • Internship in Berlin + Fall 1 - June 12 + Aug 5 + Aug 14 - Sep 23
    • German Residence Permit needed upon arrival, or must combine with London/Ireland or Non-Schengen country

    Spring Quarter Combinations:








New Zealand

South America



Service Learning for credit

  • ISA - Service Learning for Credit, Spring Semester, Spring Quarter, Summer Quarter, Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter
    • Program locations in Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Morocco, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa and Spain
    • Students can participate in 4 week, 6 week, or 8 week or placements
    • Service learning can be combined with traditional semester options depending on program and duration.
    • Students can earn up to 4 quarter credits for a 4 week program, and up to 7 quarter credits for an 8 week program.